St Margaret Mary's Catholic Infant School

  1. FAQs



What age can I apply for a Nursery place at St Margaret Mary's Catholic Infant School? 

As soon as your child turns two years of age you may fill out a Nursery application form, you will then be placed onto our waiting list.  If your child is successful in securing a place, they will start the September after their third birthday.  Application forms are available from the school office, the office is open from 8.30am-4.15 pm.


How do I apply for a Reception school place? 
If your child is three before 31st August then you need to apply for a Reception school place.  Please see our Admissions Section for more information and links to the Local Authorities.


What are the term dates? 

All our term dates are available to view on the Calendar.  

Can my child receive a school meal and how do I pay? 
Your child can received a school meal each day.  Our menus are all on our ParentPay system where you can book your child's lunch.  There are three different options per day for you to choose.   Please speak to the school office if you are having difficulty with this.   There is no charge for school meals for children from Reception to Year 2.  Full time nursery children can also have a school lunch, there is a cost of £1.15 per day for this.  Your child may also have a packed lunch if they prefer.